Josie's Pledge-Per-Pint
Thank you for supporting our blood drive! We are so proud to see Josie’s legacy help SO many people and directly contribute to the foundation that will help save her younger siblings’ lives. This time we added something new to our blood drive: Pledge-Per-Pint! Whether you are encouraging our donors by making a pledge or donating simply to support this amazing foundation and honor Josie, thank you.
If you are new to our journey, welcome! We are truly so grateful for each and every person who is a part of Josie's story and legacy. While our blood drives are focused on Josie because her life could have been saved by blood donors, she is not our only daughter in heaven. We lost our first baby, Emerson to a devastating 2nd trimester miscarriage in 2022. This loss was unexplained, but we do know it was unrelated to HDFN. When we got pregnant again, we knew the reality of loss and soaked in every moment, every kick, every time we heard our girl’s heartbeat. Due to a missed diagnosis and untreated HDFN, Josie Anne was stillborn on June 27, 2023. She arrived at 4:00 pm on the dot, weighed 6lb 7.5 oz, and looked just like her dad. We got to spend 35 hours with our girl, holding her, praying for her, and memorizing every detail of her perfect little body. We miss both our babies so badly and find comfort in knowing their legacy is saving hundreds of lives and counting. Thank you for being a part of this with us.
The Allo Hope Foundation is a non-profit that is
dedicated to preventing any harm, stillbirth, or infant death caused by
alloimmunization and HDFN. With close monitoring and timely treatment, HDFN
babies have a very high survival rate and can be fully cured. Josie's
diagnosis was missed, and her care fell through the cracks, something that
should never happen, but is unfortunately common. The proper way to manage
this disease is very specific and nuanced. Because it is so rare, many doctors
are unaware of the best practices and have very little experience working with
patients like us. The Allo Hope Foundation provides all the resources needed to
advocate for the right care and is the leading organization making the biggest
impact in increasing positive outcomes for this disease. You can know that
every dollar collected through this fundraiser will directly impact real-life
families and very literally save babies' lives.
Learn more about The Allo Hope Foundation: https://allohopefoundation.org
Listen to Katie and Liam's story of HDFN: