
Idle No More Solutions for Reducing Fleet Idling

Join ECC, TANY, and Blackburn for a webinar about reducing fleet idling!

Faced with a dire shortage of parking and an ever-increasing demand for freight across the five boroughs, truck drivers in New York City often find themselves in an unenviable position: forced to idle not by choice but by logistical necessity. Though this may be a function of policy choices about urban design, we can all agree that idling is an undesirable outcome for the public at large as well as for industry. These include potential negative impacts on air quality and carbon emissions but also promote inefficiencies in the supply chain. The time has come for a comprehensive solution to this unnecessary situation.

New York City has taken the enforcement approach through the Citizens Air Complaint Program, which deputizes citizens to record trucks with a cash reward of 25% of the fine. This program incentivizes punitive action against trucking companies without providing them with meaningful alternatives to idling. Fleets do not need more tickets – they need real solutions that will instill best practices and tools to eliminate the need to idle in most cases.

On Thursday, April 25 th at 11:00 a.m., representatives from sustainability organizations and the trucking industry will gather to discuss what these solutions could be during an online webinar.

Panel participants include: -Zach Miller, TANY -Joy Gardner, Empire Clean Cities - James Halbert and Eric Kang, United Metro Energy - Ben Dibble, Blackburn Energy

Date: Thursday, April 25th at 11:00am ET

Format: 1-hour Zoom presentation

Please contact Lara Calkivik ([email protected]with any questions.

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