14th Annual Rab Wilkinson Memorial Golf Outing
14th Rab Wilkinson Memorial
Strokes for Strikes Golf Outing
in honor of Ray Laursen, Sr.
La Tourette Golf Course
The day includes:
- 18 Holes of Golf w/ Power Cart
- Continental Breakfast
- Lunch at the Turn
- On-Course Refreshments
- Deluxe BBQ & Awards Ceremony
- Awards, Games, Gifts, and Prizes
Contests and Prizes!
- Contests & Prizes for Men & Women: Longest Drive, Most Accurate Drive, Closest to the Pin
- Best Foursome | Most Honest Foursome | Fastest Hole
- $10,000 Cash Hole-in-One Contest
- Award for Best Dressed Foursome
Rab's Country Lanes | Country Pro Shop & Awards Center