GOE 2024 Leadership Camp Sponsorship
Girls of Excellence, Inc. (GOE) humbly appeals to your generosity and asks that you consider our organization worthy of your sponsorship for our 2023 Girls of Excellence Leadership Camp. Girls of Excellence, Inc. partners with schools and community organizations to provide influential group mentoring services to young girls in a safe and trusting environment. We are currently serving in more than 30 schools in the Atlanta community. In partnership with several non-profit organizations, GOE has a footprint in 5 metro Atlanta school districts (Atlanta Public Schools, Dekalb, Fulton, Clayton, and Cobb counties). We serve 3rd-grade elementary through 12th-grade high school, with 120 mentors serving approximately 600 girls.
The GOE Leadership Camp is a fun three-day conference-style day camp designed to empower, educate, and support Black Middle and High School girls to become strong women. GOE offers sponsorship opportunities for select companies and organizations looking to support our mission while also gaining exposure for their brand. Our sponsors have an opportunity to connect with over 100 campers, their parents, and our community through rewarding sponsorship packages. This year we will host the camp on the lovely campus of Atlanta Metropolitan State College on June 2nd - 4th, 2023.
Our hope is to build relationships with those who share our vision for girls in this community and beyond, who support excellence, and who would like their goodwill efforts to support empowering girls and their power to be excellent! We believe you share those values, and together we can create a magical experience for the girls we serve in the metro Atlanta communities. We look forward to partnering with you to make the 2023 Girls of Excellence Leadership Camp the best year yet!
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DonateGOE Leadership Camp Starting at $2,500.00

Date: June 2nd-4th, 2023
Location: Atlanta Metropolitan State College
1630 Metropolitan Pkwy SW, Atlanta, GA 30310
Sponsorsorshp Commitment and Payment are due by May 1st, 2023