

Ranch Work Day

All things welcoming!

Ranch Work Day! Bringing the community together to create a welcoming environment for those served at the Ranch.  Whether you choose to come by yourself or come with your friends, family or work team you will be sure to leave with your heart full and a smile on your face!  

The work day sets the ranch up for Picnic with the Ponies (May 17th), summer camps, sessions and more!  

Lunch provided. 

Thanks for pitching in! You make a difference!

Ranch Work Day - Spring

Ranch Work Day is all about creating a warm and welcoming space for the youth and families who find hope and healing here at the ranch as well as for community events such as May 17ths Picnic with the Ponies. This is one of the hands on ways to partner with the mission of Crossfire Ranch of "Offering Hope. Changing Lives.". Whether this is your first ranch experience or your fiftieth we are excited to '"get 'er done'" together and appreciate your time as well as getting to know you further!

The day will have a variety of opportunities to spruce things up such as:

  • Pasture clean up
  • Cleaning up & planting flower beds (if you have non evasive plants to split or would like to purchase a favorite to enjoy going forward, you are welcome to bring them! Planters also welcome!)
  • Round pen set up
  • Interior wall washing (stalls)
  • Interior painting (tbd)
  • Sweeping down areas in the barn
  • Stone picking - outdoor arena
  • Fence line clean up / weed wacking (weed wackers needed)
  • Clearing the lane - trim back branches, bushes and so forth. Weed wackers welcome. If you have trimming tools, please feel free to bring them along)
  • Raking & Weed removal (pulling weeds from in the small gravel barn entrance area)

If you have any tools / equipment that would help in the above endeavors, please bring them along!

Lunch provided! 12-12:30

If you come as a stranger, we are sure you will leave as a friend! 

Ranch Work Team

Many hands make the work light! Gather your friends, family or work team and grow together serving! 
Start time is 10:30, we will break into work teams to canvas the projects!
Lunch is on us!

Max Per Order:12

Lunch Hero Team

Lunch will be served from 12 to 12:30.

Time frame: 11:00 - 1:00

  • Set up and tear down
  • Serve food

4 Available
Max Per Order:4

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