

Living Like Lathom Scholarship

The strength of the pack is the wolf

What Is the LLL Scholarship (Synopsis):

The Living Like Lathom Scholarship is in memoriam of our son, brother, dad, and friend Lathom Kelley who passed away on September 10, 2022. Lathom attended the Coupeville School District from elementary to high school and was the living embodiment of “the strength of the pack is the wolf”. The pack is only as strong as the wolves that form it. Lathom was one of the greats! A passionately driven student-athlete, Lathom did everything with fire in his eyes and the word “QUIT” wasn’t in his vocabulary. Whatever Lathom decided to pursue - whether that be tackles on the football field, sprinting on the track, fixing motor vehicles, artistic and occupational welding, or being a family man and friend - he did everything with passion and love in his heart. A leader by example, Lathom treated everyone in his community as his family. He took care of his wolfpack. He lived life in the moment. He lived life to the fullest. He Lived Like Lathom.

This scholarship is intended for a graduating Coupeville High School senior who embodies the Living Like Lathom motto—a student who is exemplary of hard work, teamwork, family, and going into the trades.


Once a wolf, always a wolf. Lathom McCrae Kelley attended Coupeville School Districts from elementary to high school. He graduated in 2016 and made an everlasting effect on the people in the community he grew up in.

This scholarship was created by Makana Stone and brought to fruition in collaboration with the Kelley family (Lincoln, Shawna, Brandon, & Ashley) Stone designed the “Living Like Lathom” and “Strength of the Pack” stickers (below) with the intention of selling them to fund the LLL Scholarship, but to help drive the sponsorships, would like to give stickers away to those who donate to the scholarship. This means Makana Stone would like have a list of donators to distribute stickers:

? A minimum $50 donation to the LLL Scholarship and the donor will receive a LLL or Strength of the Pack Sticker

Donations to the scholarship can be made directly to the Coupeville Schools Foundation online (click donate), cash, or check.  For cash or check, please denote "Living Like Lathom" on your contribution.

Coupeville Schools Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

Address:  CFCPS, PO Box 1133, Coupeville WA 98239
Federal EIN:  91-1826477

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Recent Activity

Name Joshua and Eileen Stone
Activity Type Donation
Date 04/25/24

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