

Drum Power Summer Arts Camp 2024

Drum Power Summer Arts Camp is two weeks of full-day experiences for youth ages 6 to 18. This camp was created so that black and brown children in Madison have a space to celebrate one another and learn and enjoy non-western African Diaspora art forms. Children and young adults learn:

  • Visual arts: that help youth explore their identity through cultural arts tradition
  • Drumming: West African Drumming from Guinea, Mali and Senegal, Afro-Brazilian and Samba drumming, Afro-Cuban drumming, Capoeira music ensemble
  • Dance: Modern, Hip Hop, Breakin’, Afro-Brazilian dance, Afro-Peruvian dance, and Aztec dance.

Your donation makes a difference

In 2023, 1 out of 3 students attending camp received scholarship funds to support their participation in camp, representing over $6,000 in scholarships. We rely on donations and grants to operate camp and admit all children -- regardless of their socioeconomic status. 


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