
2024 Frolic 5K or 1K Family Fun Run

Run, Walk or Frolic your way to the finish line!

The annual PHILOMATH FROLIC 5K & FAMILY FUN RUN will be held Friday, July 8th at 9:00am. The Run/walk will start and end at the Rodeo grounds and will cover the parade route to the High school and back along Applegate Street. The course is excellent for the competitive runner, the fun runner, and the walker. A one (1) mile course option is also available for short-leggers.  The 5K Family Fun Run is being held in conjunction with the Philomath Frolic & Rodeo featuring live entertainment, food, rodeo action, etc.  Free parking is available at the rodeo grounds. Check is and the starting line will be located behind the grandstands.  This is a non-profit event.

Saturday July 8th, 2023. Race begins at 9:00 am. 

Race begins behind the Philomath Frolic & Rodeo Grand Stands and ends in the Rodeo Arena!

$5 Pre-registration, 12 and under free!

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