

Bring Music to Early Childhood Learning with GITC!

Give Children in Daycares and Early Childhood Programs the Gift of Music

The benefits of music for children are amazing! Imagine the joy and learning you will be giving to a very deserving child with your donation!

With a gift of any amount, you can help bring music to hundreds of young children in underfunded daycare centers and child care programs all over San Diego County this season! We are raising funds to purchase special Waterman ukuleles- utterly indestructible and very colorful- for children ages 3-5 to learn to play with their teachers. A gift of $30 covers the cost of a ukulele for the children to share, but any amount gets us closer to helping spread the music, one daycare at a time. 

YOUR participation can place a small set of instruments in each participating child care program or home daycare so little ones experience the joy, calm, and well-being that strumming strings and singing gives them. Leave the training to us, as a grant from the San Diego Women's Foundation is covering the cost for the daycare providers to play, sing, and teach through the power of song. Each teacher will get their own ukulele for learning and leading. 

Thank you so much to our great retail sponsor, Terry Carter of Uke Like the Pros! for matching the first $2000 in instruments for the daycare centers! Thanks to our amazing anonymous donors for matching another $700! Now that match has been completed, but we still need and deeply appreciate your support for this incredible initiative. 

Terry also has instruments for sale, so if you would like to purchase an instrument directly from Uke Like the Pros and have it donated directly to us, please click HERE.  

Thank you so much for making a musical difference for deserving young children in the year ahead!


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Recent Activity

Activity Type Donation
Amount $50.00
Date 12/31/23
Name Neil MacDonald
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 12/31/23
Name F.J. (Joy) Lane
Activity Type Donation
Amount $200.00
Date 12/30/23
Name Gina Clifton
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 12/29/23
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 12/29/23

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