Hug an I.D.F. Mom and Newborn
"Hug an I.D.F. Mom and Newborn"
This is a touching new initiative!
We are distributing beautiful, heartfelt packages filled with high quality essentials (swaddles, blanket, hat, outfit, bib, sleeping bag, and crib sheet) to the mother of a newborn whose husband is serving in the IDF.
The new moms tell us how this special attention given to them for continuing Am Yisrael (the nation of Israel) gives them strength to smile and to hold down the home front!
As a mother of 3 + a newborn, whose husband is fighting in Gaza, said to us:
"This week started with so much darkness.
you have now brought light into our home!"
The gift packages are reaching all parts of Israel and going to the families of soldiers serving in all kinds of units!
We have even given new moms who have been displaced from their cities and settlements in the North and the South who are now living in a hotel, with their newborn, and B"H, other children, as a "single mom", without the assistance of their husband, who is courageously defending the land of Israel!
We appreciate any and all assistance with this precious project!
As one new mother said as she sent her husband off to Gaza, not knowing if he would make it back for the birth:
"This war isn't about me, it's not about you.
It is bigger than both of us.
This war is about the existence and eternity of Am Yisrael."
Please donate through this tax-deductible link.
You will immediately receive a receipt
or send a check by mail to the address below to our partners Mishna Sdura,
with the money earmarked for this precious cause.
Am Yisrael Chai,
With love and hugs,
Lisa Dordek Goldenhersh
Jerusalem, Israel
Sarit Cohen Rapp
Maale Adumim, Israel.
Rabbi Elijah Dordek,
Director of Mishna Sdura organization.
8424 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 200
Skokie, IL 60077
EIN 47-1426165