Abilities Employment Symposium Vendors
The Ability Employment Symposium (AES) is dedicated to advancing workforce inclusion for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). Our symposium specifically caters to two key groups:
1.) Individuals with I/DD who are actively seeking employment or vocational training opportunities.
2.) Employers who are committed to creating inclusive workplace environments and are ready to hire individuals with disabilities.
--in addition--
3.) AES provides valuable education for parents, covering essential topics such as job opportunities, SSI education, and the transition to adulthood.
This symposium is sponsored by Bank of America, led by The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte and LIFESPAN Services and planned with a team from AllAbility Solutions, GiGi's Playhouse Charlotte, KennedyStrong Foundation, Philips Academy, and Cakeable Charlotte.
We are excited for this collaborative symposium to embark on a new opportunity for our I/DD community and inclusive employers as a platform for networking and get invaluable information on next steps on individual employment path.
Resource groups and organizations are welcome to register for participation in this symposium as vendors. By securing a table, you will have the opportunity to share valuable information with participants who are seeking guidance on their employment journey. These diverse areas of connection encompass, but are not limited to:
- Work Foundations
- School Programs
- Job Training
- Bridge to Employment
- Inclusive Businesses
- Supported Employment Services
- Employer Services
- Family Services
There will be two sessions available to the participants and caregivers and limited availability per session. Vendors are asked to stay for both sessions in order to allow for each group to benefit from their connections in the community.
Session 1: 10:00am-12:00pm
Session 2: 1:00pm-3:30pm
Each session will include a welcome meeting for all attendees, vendor/employer connection and 3 break out rooms with guest speakers available during each 2-hour session. There will be a special Keynote Speaker Panel at the 2nd session at 1pm moderated by our very own Anessa Powell with AllAbility Solutions. Vendors are welcome to join during this panel.
Registration is required.
Date: April 10, 2024
Time: 10am-3:30pm (Vendors please arrive between 9 and 9:15am to set up)
Location: Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont
5301 Wilkinson Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28208
Included: 1 table and 2 chairs will be provided for each registered vendor. Vendors must bring their own material, table cloth, etc.
Please check back soon!

This campaign has ended or is not currently active.
Contact us if you would like more information on how to support!