Support Compas de Nicaragua
And help our friends in Nicaragua during this difficult time!
Women in Action and their children need your help now more than ever!
The political unrest in Nicaragua has stabilized, however, there are still detrimental effects on the economy. Those who are affected most are people like Women in Action, and small farmers from La Paz, who live day to day. Due to the State Department's travel advisory, service trips for 2019 have cancelled, which will make it more difficult for us to support our friends in Nicaragua.
Compas is in real financial trouble!
However, we have some new initiatives to support our friends in Nicaragua. Here is how you can help!
Support our small business. “Peaceful Nature”. a venture between Women
in Action and farmers in La Paz to provide sustainable income to families! We are
hoping to raise fund to hire two WIA
employees at $100/month each ($1,200 a year).
Provide a micro-loan to a member of Women in Action
Sponsor a Child so they can go to school
Visit Nicaragua! Now is the time to visit Nicaragua! Our friends need our support now more than ever! Despite the State Department's travel advisory, over the last several months, Nicaragua has returned to being one of the safest Central American countries. If you are interested in coming and learning about what has happened and about the current situation, please contact me ([email protected] ). We are also offering a unique, alternative trip to Costa Rica.
Join our
Friends of Compas group! We have
started a "Friends of Compas” group as a way to bring our supporters
together to make new friends, to keep updated and stay more connected to our
friends in Nicaragua, and to find ways to support our work. This friendship
group will include a monthly online conference call and also an email list for sending
updates, articles of interest,
etc. If you are interested in
participating in "Friend of Compas", please contact me ([email protected] ).
To ensure that we can continue our important work, we need your support now!
Please help Compas and Women in Action survive this time of unrest. Please consider making a donation and getting involved with Compas de Nicaragua.
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
Michael Boudreau, Compas de Nicaragua