Coppelia tells the story of a clever peasant girl, Swanhilda, her gullible fiancee Franz, and mysterious Dr. Coppelius who live in a small Bavarian Town mid 19th century. In his dungeon-like workshop, Dr. Coppelius creates magical dolls, attempting to make them as life-like as possible. His latest creation is the beautiful Coppelia who looks so life-like that Swanhilda's fiancee immediately becomes enamored with her. An upset Swanhilda decides to confront Coppelia and, along with her girlfriends, she sneaks into Dr. Coppelius' workshop in the middle of the night. When Swanhilda and her friends discover that Coppelia is a doll, they make fun of Franz; however, the fun quickly passes as soon as an angry Dr. Coppelius enters the workshop and chases all the friends away, except for Swanhilda. Instead, Swanhilda decides to hide in the same room as Coppelia and exchange clothes with the doll. By pretending to make Coppelia come alive, Swanhilda not only deceives Dr. Coppelius, but also her unsuspecting fiancee. Will the happy couple reunite? Attend this timeless, family-friendly comedy ballet that has entertained audiences for more than 150 years!