Americana Capital Campaign
Americana is growing...
Under this project, we will renovate three floors of the Americana World Community Center – South Wing, totaling 9,920SF, and extend the second floor to add an elevator and other handicapped-accessible features. This project will fully integrate FHC-Americana, including its Survivors of Torture Services, other medical, behavioral health, and support services into the AWCC and their constellation of services and physical space. This project will more than double the size of the current clinic, increasing the number of exam rooms from four to eight, allowing for expansion of current services, including the addition of more available Refugee Health Assessments and increased capacity of follow-up and primary care. Furthermore, the renovation will provide an updated physical space for AWCC Fiberworks Program and Ethnic Community Groups, and additional space for AWCC and FHC to grow.
FHC’s Refugee Health Program receives funding through the Kentucky Office for Refugees. Services are coordinated with Kentucky Refugee Ministries, Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services, & the International Rescue Committee.We partner with the Louisville Metro Department for Public Health & Wellness TB Clinic, Americana World Community Center and other community specialists.