Balancing the Blue Line
Understanding the weight of the badge
Every year across our country, law enforcement officers who can no longer bear the incredible weight of the badge, choose to take their own lives. Families feel the pressure as well, and last year the divorce rate among law enforcement officers was at a staggering 65%. Walking the "blue line" is a balancing act and while we cannot help these officer un-see the horrible things they all too often face, we can let them know that we care and offer support. With the "Balancing the Blue Line" campaign, we hope to provide resources in the form of assistance with funding for professional counseling to officers who are struggling, seminars where officers and their spouses can receive counseling on relationships and marriage, financial and legal advise from professionals, and spiritual guidance from chaplains or clergy and more. Events focusing on the family and building strong support systems among fellow officers will also be an important part of this program.
While this program will start small, we hope to expand to reach and level of support as we continue to grow. Please consider donating to help grow this program and watch our "What's Happening" page at www.bluethanksgiving.com for updates on this program as well as other campaign, projects and outreach events taking place.