

He keeps proving it over and over. He’s spreading His love, His message, and His hope through His people.

We are His messengers. 

We are the only Jesus that many will ever see.

We are His hands and feet…as we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, respond to the widow and the orphan. We’re running hard to the need, not away from it.

We are His clear voice…when the clamor of anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, and injustice bellow louder and louder.

We are His light…when the darkness of evil, poverty, hopelessness, abuse, and neglect permeates our culture.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they are sent?

-Romans 10:14-15 (ASV)

How? By our willingness to go…and your willingness to send.

Last week, a school administrator reached out. A single mother with three school-aged children was fired from her job because her childcare for her special needs child fell through and she had to stay home to care for him. She’s behind on bills, low on food, and feeling hopeless and helpless. 

We’re providing food, clothing, and help on some bills.

Recently, a single mom with a newborn had her car breakdown. She couldn’t get to work, or get her kids to school. She needed her car repaired. 

We loaned her a car and got her car repaired.

A special needs child needed tuition for an educational camp that would greatly help her learn coping skills. Her grandmother didn’t have the funds.

We paid for it.

A local school counselor called and informed me that many classrooms in her elementary school were in desperate need of snacks and disinfectant wipes.

We made a delivery the very next week. 

(And it wasn’t a small delivery!)

We identified 27 families (some homeless, some foster families, and several adoptive families) that were struggling to provide any kind of Christmas for their kids. 

We bought individual gifts for every child, for every parent and provided a complete turkey dinner.

These aren’t needed in a foreign land. These aren’t calls coming from impoverished cities in another state. This is Wichita! This is South Central Kansas!

How has the Dream Center been able to respond?

You saw the need with us.

You felt the compassion of Christ as we did.

You responded with prayers and financial support.

We’ve been willing to be sent…and our supporters continue to send us!

Will you keep sending us?

The needs are NOW. The opportunities to reach our community’s at-risk and most vulnerable are coming at us weekly. 

We can’t say no. Because Jesus won’t say no.

His command of Matthew 25 is more important than ever.

We must respond!

Please click on the donate button and help us serve Wichita and the surrounding areas.

Your generosity is what keeps us from ever saying no!

2024 has more opportunity to reach more in our community than in any year previous. We can do it…with your help!


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