

Support Compas de Nicaragua!

And our important cultural exchange work

Support Compas de Nicaragua's Dance Tours and important cultural exchange work

“This was the most powerful and moving cultural exchange event I have ever been a part of.”  David Canfield, Unitarian Universalist Church, Concord, NH. 

The Daughters of Corn Dance Troupe toured the U.S. from September 10th through November 1st, 2019.  The troupe visited 6 states and performed for diverse audiences that included preschools, elementary and high schools, universities, community and cultural arts centers and nursing homes.  They also carried out dance workshops, classroom visits and presentations to talk about Compas’ work and to share their stories. 

The dancers shared how they were able to come together to form the dance troupe.  As dancers, they each have different styles and abilities, and as individuals, they have different personalities and political beliefs.  Through the months of practice leading up to the dance tour, they learned to respect each other's beliefs, talents and abilities.  In the end, they realized that they are all uniquely talented and beautiful, but when they work together they can accomplish more and create something even more beautiful.

If you were able to attend one of the troupe’s performance, then you were able to see just how beautifully they are able to dance together.  If you weren’t able to see a performance you can check out this video.  

The dancers also shared how proud they were to represent Nicaragua and to help promote the work of Compas de Nicaragua whose programs have benefited the lives of families in their community.  The dancers had to participate in 3 weeks of auditions in order to earn a spot in the troupe and then practice for 9 months in preparation for the trip.  They made this major commitment to participate in the tour in order to support families who benefit from Compas’ programs. 
Volunteering in their community on programs to support families in need and participating in the dance tour to promote those programs has given the dancers a better sense of purpose, and has helped bring more joy to their lives.  The dancers expressed that they are actually more happy when doing things for others.  The important stories and lessons that the dancers shared while on tour in the U.S. is why Compas’ cultural exchange work is so important.  

Please help us continue our work which is especially important during these current times .  While the tour was very well received and a successful cultural exchange and popular education event, the dance tour was not a successful fundraiser given the high costs of bringing a 7 member troupe to the U.S. for nearly 2 months.  Please support us!  There are so many ways to help.



Support our small business. “Peaceful Nature”. a venture between Women in Action and farmers in La Paz to provide sustainable income to families!  We are hoping to raise funds to hire two WIA employees at $100/month each ($1,200 a year).


Provide a micro-loan to a member of Women in Action

Sponsor a Child so they can go to school ($20/month or $240 per year)

Purchase or help sell Coffee



Visit Nicaragua!  Now is the time to visit Nicaragua!  Our friends need our support now more than ever!  Despite the State Department's travel advisory, over the last year, Nicaragua has returned to being the safest Central American countries.  If you are interested in coming and learning about what has happened and about the current situation, please contact me ([email protected] ).  We are also offering a unique, alternative trip to Costa Rica.

Join our Friends of Compas group!  We have started a "Friends of Compas” group as a way to bring our supporters together to make new friends, to keep updated and stay more connected to our friends in Nicaragua, and to find ways to support our work. This friendship group will include a monthly online conference call and also an email list for sending updates, articles of interest, etc.    If you are interested in participating in "Friend of Compas", please contact me ([email protected] ).

To ensure that we can continue our important work, we need your support now!

Please consider making a donation and getting involved with Compas de Nicaragua.  

Thank you in advance for your generous support! 

Michael Boudreau, Compas de Nicaragua   

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