

“The movement to tell the full story of first peoples is a project for all national parks, monuments and public lands. Point Reyes can be an example in honoring Coast Miwok ancestors and their living descendants.”

- Theresa Harlan

Our work to rematriate, defend and decolonize Laird’s Landing, is only possible with your support.

The Alliance for Felix Cove advocates for the protection and restoration of the last remaining 19th century Coast Miwok-built home at Point Reyes National Seashore and to honor the lives of the ancestral Felix Family— the last Coast Miwok family to live on the western shores of Tomales Bay at Laird’s Landing until 1956.

In just the few short years since our founding in 2021, the Alliance for Felix Cove has emerged as a leader in movement for Indigenous land rematriation and cultural renewal. Once our work was only known to Felix family members and close friends; now our work is frequently featured in the media and we are collaborating closely with the National Park Service to explore possibilities for Indigenous land stewardship within Point Reyes National Seashore.

Please support restoring Coast Miwok history and to save the Felix Family home and ancestral land so that future generations can walk in the footsteps of our Tamalko ancestors at Tamal-liwa by making a donation today.

2023-2024 Fundraising Priorities

Rematriating Our Ancestral Home

We have secured funding to hold an Indigenous Rematriation (Stewardship) Gathering at Felix Cove in the summer of 2024. Our goal is to hire an Indigenous-led master planning firm to help us define implementation steps for our vision for stewardship of Felix Cove. We plan to create several new positions - including a project manager - to facilitate this work.

Amount needed: $500,000

Speaking Our Indigenous Narrative

As part of our work to bring visibility to Indigenous voices, we are raising funds for our groundbreaking digital storytelling project, which will unearth and honor the stories of the Támal-ko families through the voices of their descendants – daughters, sons, and grandchildren. Funds will support this multi-year initiative that includes extensive outreach, storytelling workshops, exhibitions, and more.

Amount needed: $100,000

Rebuilding Our Cultural Pathways

Our programs to renew Támal-ko cultural knowledge and practices have been a source of healing for Indigenous community members–and provided vital education for our non-Indigenous allies. Our programs for Indigenous youth focus on developing a new generation of culture bearers who will carry Indigenous wisdom and practices into the future.

Amount needed: $100,000

Join us in bringing justice to a stolen land - and healing to Indigenous communities.

Donations can be made to our fiscal sponsor, Movement Strategy Center, a 501c(3) Non-Profit Organization. The full amount of your contribution is tax-deductible within the limitations of the law. Consult your tax advisor regarding how these rules affect you.

Contributions can be made online by check, or donor advised fund.

To Donate by Check

If you prefer to pay by check, please make checks payable to Movement Strategy Center and include “Alliance for Felix Cove” in the memo.

Mail check to: Movement Strategy Center/Alliance for Felix Cove, 1625 Clay Street, 6th floor, Oakland, CA 94612

To Donate by Donor Advised Fund

Please provide your fund administrator with EIN# 20-1037643 and our address: Movement Strategy Center/Alliance for Felix Cove, 1625 Clay Street, 6th floor, Oakland, CA 94612

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Recent Activity

Name In Place
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 10/26/24
Name Mariah Nielson
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 03/12/24
Name Evans Hankey
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 03/12/24
Name Brook Lane and Evans Hankey
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $5,000.00
Date 03/12/24
Name matt rolandson
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 03/11/24

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