


Dulcimoon is looking to raise $7,500 over the next 2 months!

Donate any amount to receive Dulcimoon Stickers!

$100 Donation: Dulcimoon Pick Box

$250 Donation: Sponsor Credit on a Dulcimoon Talk

During the past year, Dulcimoon has been able to fund scholarships, website infrastructure updates (new registration system), and the production crew for our twice-monthly Dulcimoon Talks. We’re grateful for a grant from the California Nonprofit Performing Arts Program, and our fiscal sponsor, Intersection for the Arts, for assisting us in securing the funds!

As we anticipate the end of this funding, we now look to you, our generous community. Your tax-deductible donations will fund scholarships and Dulcimoon Talks in 2025. We’ve come to understand that these talks are archiving dulcimer history, one woman’s story at a time. They are always available without cost and archived for the public at Our festivals pretty much pay for themselves, thanks to your enthusiasm in participating since our inception in 2022!

We are excited to offer talk sponsorships to individuals, families, and community businesses! For your contribution, you will be credited with sponsorship during our live-streamed conversations, as well as on our website.

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