Support ALL Workers Organizing for Labor Day 2024
Help us raise $2,024 in 2024!
Scroll down or CLICK HERE to watch our #LaborDay video with highlights from the Bi-National People's Tribunal on the Struggles of Farmworkers in North America!
At our farmworker tribunal in March, workers and organizers from across the U.S. and Canada uplifted problems they're fighting against and the obstacles they encounter in their organizing. And as tribunal juror and revolutionary founder of the MS Workers' Center for Human Rights Jaribu Hill reminded us:
"Only 13% of all workers in this country belong to any collective bargaining agency. Most workers work without any protection. So it's so ludicrous when people talk about the labor movement and lock out the 87% who are not even included in union organizing."
Low-wage workers in the food chain and across all sectors might not be unionized, but they ARE fighting for the better wages and conditions that they deserve. They are taking demands to their bosses, educating each other about health & safety, fighting to change policy, and resisting cruel immigration policies. It's not easy, largely due to insufficient protections in the U.S. that are enforced weakly if at all. Even the fundamental right to organize is insufficiently protected by the National Labor Relations Act and the body that enforces it, the NLRB, is under-funded and increasingly under attack.
That's why workers organizing need your support!
For Labor Day this year, give to FCWA to support worker-led organizing across the food chain!
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