

Amelia Cordova

Needs Your Help

Our daughter Amelia, who is 4 years old, was diagnosed with B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia on June 4, 2024, some news no parents want to hear. We just welcomed our son, Luca, into the world on April 30th. We were juggling a newborn and this scary diagnosis. I’m currently active-duty Navy and my wife is a banker with Frontwave Credit Union. Currently, she isn’t working in order to stay with Amelia for all her doctor's appointments and treatments, plus care for the newborn. The loss of income has hit our family hard. Thank you so much to the Mitchell Thorp Foundation who has been helping us out under the Medical and Home assistance program. Please consider donating any amount, we are humbled and grateful as we manage to get through for the next couple of years as Amelia anticipated completion of treatment will be in late 2026.


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Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $25.00
Date 09/12/24
Name Hannah Browder
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 09/06/24

Progress Adjustments

Mitchell Thorp Foundation Grant - $1200 - Sep. 04, 2024

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