What is Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement created to inspire people to give, collaborate and celebrate generosity.
In honor of Giving Tuesday, LUNA would like to invite those who are eager to support our work to invest in building the present and tomorrow together
How are we building the present and tomorrow together?
By connecting neighbors, LUNA is able to guide toward building solutions and strategize what steps are needed to achieve their goals.
Who are we working alongside?
Six neighborhood chapters in the Eastside of San Jose
Wooster & 26th
Valley Palms
What are our current campaigns?
LUNA is focusing on housing and environmental justice (specifically Air Quality) campaigns.
We host or attend meetings in each in our chapters around our campaigns.
LUNA also connects with key allies to help provide workshops/trainings that focus on leaderships development or empowerment.
Donate to help us continue making this change
¿Qué es un dia de dar?
Un dia de dar Giving es un movimiento de generosidad global creado para inspirar a las personas a dar, colaborar y celebrar la generosidad.
En honor a un dia de dar, LUNA quisiera invitar a aquellos que estén ansiosos por apoyar nuestro trabajo a invertir en construir juntos el presente y el mañana
How are we building the present and tomorrow together?
¿Con quién trabajamos?
Seis capítulos vecinales en el lado este de San José
Wooster & 26th
Valley Palms
¿Cuáles son nuestras campañas actuales?
LUNA se centra en campañas de vivienda y justicia ambiental (calidad del aire).
Organizamos o asistimos a reuniones en cada uno de nuestros capítulos en torno a nuestras campañas.
LUNA también se conecta con aliados clave para ayudar a brindar talleres/capacitaciones que se centren en el desarrollo o el empoderamiento del liderazgo.
Dona para ayudarnos a seguir haciendo este cambio