

2024 Giving Tuesday-can you join our ecosystem?

Join us for our DOUBLE MATCH Challenge!

This Giving Tuesday, the SEMIS Coalition Leadership Team invites you to help sustain and deepen our ecosystem of impact.

Every gift will be MATCHED 2:1 by our Match Pool of generous donors, expanding the impact of your support for up to twelve months

We're also excited to announce that we'll be regranting 30% of all recurring monthly and quarterly donations in 2025 through our Place-Based Partnership Grants Program, a mini-grant program that directly supports educators and community partners in the SEMIS Coalition network.

Our goal for #GivingTuesday is to raise $1,500 to support at least two more Partnership Grants for educators in our Coalition. 

Can you join our ecosystem of impact?

Since 2007, the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition has facilitated school-community partnerships rich with opportunities that develop students and educators as change makers for healthy ecological-social systems.

Our Coalition envisions a world where communities address social and ecological challenges together through intergenerational dialogue, mutual aid, civic action, and collaboration between teachers, students, families and community partners. 

Last year alone, your contributions helped us support over 20 schools, 80 educators, and 2,000 students with instructional coaching, professional learning, and other support needed to shape powerful place-based learning experiences.

Your new or continued monthly, quarterly, or annual support will help fund our ecosystem of impact, including making member teachers and students’ place-based education projects possible through the expansion of our Place-Based Partnership Grants Program, supporting teachers’ access to our professional learning events, and helping us continue to grow youth participation and leadership in our Annual Community Forum. 

Ways your support can transform into resources:

  • $15 a month—can make year-long, community-focused outdoor learning projects possible, like the purchase of air quality sensors for STEM application and community data collection at Salina Intermediate School in Dearborn.
  • $75 a month—can make transformative community partnerships possible, like the partnerships developed through our Indigenous Ways of Knowing Initiative between Dr. Jared Ten Brink and third grade teacher Jim Barnes at Wylie Elementary School in Dexter.
  • $120 a month—can make environmental literacy projects possible, such as the Detroit Wildlife Adaptations Gallery Stroll PhotoVoice project at the James and Grace Lee Boggs School in Detroit. Fourth grade students researched adaptations that allow living things to survive on Belle Isle and then took photographs on a field trip! These photos were accompanied by essays students wrote on the importance of diverse habitats and what these local creatures need to survive. Check out their student photography and presentation photos on our website!

Together, we wage hope when we believe in and support young people to learn new, just, and sustainable ways to bring about change in their places.

Thank you for helping to sustain and deepen our ecosystem of care on Giving Tuesday - and beyond! 🌟

In partnership,

Anna Balzer and the SEMIS Coalition Leadership Team

The Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition, a regional hub of the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, is a leading network for place-based stewardship education. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed through the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative.


Prefer to donate by check?

Make the check payable to the Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, and mail to The SEMIS Coalition c/o GLSI, 10925 Foreman St. Lowell, MI 49331


Giving Levels

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