

2024 College Care Packages Volunteer Event

The JCS Project and Simply Helping Foundation are gearing up to make 600 free college care packages in one day.  The JCS Project care packages will include food and snacks.  Simply Helping Foundation care packages will include personal toiletries and school supplies.  We need volunteers.  There will be food, music, and fellowshipping.  We hope to see you there!!!


Please check back soon!


This campaign has ended or is not currently active.
Contact us if you would like more information on how to support!


Recent Activity

Name Rhonda Pelton
Activity Type Volunteer Position
Amount -
Date 07/16/24
Name Kesmyre Smalls
Activity Type Volunteer Position, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 06/28/24
Name Rhonda Pelton
Activity Type Volunteer Position, Mailing list
Amount -
Date 06/18/24

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