

Healthy Planet Action Coalition (HPAC)

Cool, Reduce and Remove to Restore the Climate. Later is Too Late!

Our Mission

The Healthy Planet Action Coalition (HPAC) is an international collaboration of scientists, engineers, public policy experts, entrepreneurs, media and communications professionals, activists, advocates, and organizations committed to urgent deployment of climate change solutions that will regenerate a planet on which humanity and nature can thrive.  

Our Goals

We do this by advocating, at the global scale, for the development of a climate restoration plan to return global warming to well below 1°C that includes three elements:

1)      Researching, field testing and deploying one or more large-scale cooling influence(s) perhaps initially in polar regions and applying local and regional cooling measures that also support adaptation,

2)       Accelerating emissions reductions with an early prioritization of short-lived climate drivers, and

3)       Deploying large scale carbon removal to draw down legacy greenhouse gases.

Our History:

We are an all-volunteer organization of mostly retirees that over the past three years has: 1) Organized bi-monthly General Meetings featuring presentations by leading climate scientists, policy experts and activists followed by  highly engaging and informative open discussions with HPAC participants, 2) Created and maintained a very active listserv with over 200 participants (if you're interested in joining post a request to [email protected]), 3) Created  and promoted a website, multiple YouTube videos with guest speaker presentation recordings, an HPAC X/Twitter account, letters, reports, and other relevant material, 4) Produced and disseminated open letters and petitions to international policy makers, and 5) Produced and disseminated reports and academic papers including a Direct Climate Cooling paper and Shipping Fuel Regulation Open Letter that have been accepted for publication by the academic journal Oxford Open Climate Change.

Our Funding Needs:

In order to expand our outreach and impact we need to raise sufficient funding in the near term to hire a young Communications and Administration Manager who would participate and support the work of our on-going and future projects and initiate and lead efforts on engaging young people to advocate for urgent cooling and long-term climate restoration. In the longer term we need to build a well-funded professional organization with global and inter-generational reach.

HPAC is a fiscally sponsored organization under Ecologistics, a 501(c)(3) public charity in San Luis Obispo, California, USA.

You may make a donation by check payable to Ecologistics with HPAC on the memo line and mail it to 633 Ramona Ave., Space 103, Los Osos, CA  93402, or directly on-line through via the donation widget buttons below. If you are interested in becoming a  member of HPAC please fill out and submit the form for joining our mailing list that is displayed below the donation widget buttons.


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