

Contra Costa Midrasha's Safe & Thriving Campaign

We're only away from our goal.

This summer we ask you to donate to keep our community "Safe and Thriving."

All donations this summer will go towards our Security Fund, covering safety-related expenses in 2024-25.

How is CCM thriving?

  • In 2023-24 CCM created a "vibrant Jewish teen community" with over 120 Jewish teens, a 20% increase in enrollment.
  • Teens LOVE Midrasha calling it, "my home, my haven" and "a place where I learned to embrace my Judaism."
  • ...offers three different programs for teens to do Tikkun Olam work - giving back to the community through service, philanthropy, and intergenerational connection.

How do we keep CCM safe?

  • Extensive security training for all educators and staff.
  • Dedicated security personnel as part of our team.

Note: Want to donate via check instead of credit card?  E-mail Devra at [email protected] to get our snail mail address. Thank you for your support!
