

AHF Fundraiser for Kenyatta National Hospital

Please help us in supporting our alloimmunized patient community in Africa.

Kenyatta National Hospital, the largest referral hospital in Nairobi Kenya, is in desperate need of medical supplies for its NICU patients. They are currently the only hospital in Kenya able to perform livesaving intrauterine blood transfusions. However, once a baby is born, they are admitted to a NICU lacking many life saving therapies that are needed to care for babies with HDFN. We are specifically fundraising to help supply two BiliTouch bilirubin blankets from Motif Medical, to help provide phototherapy to infants in their NICU. 

Motif Medical is generously providing us with a deal to purchase one bilirubin blanket and give us a second for free. The total cost of the unit is $1,260.00 for the phototherapy blanket, $49.98 for a box of disposable covers, $39.27 for a box of small eye shields and $39.27 for a box of large eye shields. Therefore we are looking to raise $1,388 to provide critically needed, highly effective phototherapy to affected babies in this NICU.  

Please join us in our mission and help save jaundiced babies in Kenya. 



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