

Made in Hopewell Conference and Trade Show

Join us on Friday, October 4th - National Manufacturing Day - for "Made in Hopewell" an afternoon of 

  • Industry Panels
  • Presentations
  • Networking
  • Local Small-Batch Trade Show
  • Reception
  • And More...

Made in Hopewell is a celebration of all things manufacturing, both big and small, in the Hopewell-Prince George area. Our goal is to generate awareness, pride, and new connections around our community's advanced technical knowledge and locally made products and to uplift Hopewell and the region as leaders in this field.

Organized by the Hopewell Downtown Partnership with support from Virginia Main Street and the VA Department of Small Business & Supplier Diversity, this event is part of our overall strategy to continue revitalizing the Downtown Historic District and improving quality of life in the region.