

Lucy's 2024 Stocking Fundraiser

This Holiday season, please join us in sharing HOPE with those who need it most by contributing to our Lucy’s Stocking Fundraiser. Your donation will not only protect babies in underserved communities from HDFN, but also honor babies who have already been affected by the disease. 

Every year, the Allo Hope Foundation launches the Lucy’s Stocking Fundraiser in honor of baby Lucy Dair Weathersby who passed away due to Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN.) Her mother, Bethany, went on to establish the Allo Hope Foundation in hopes of offering support and education to families and practitioners affected by HDFN caused by maternal alloimmunization. 

Your donation will be used to provide access to prevention and care for alloimmunization and HDFN worldwide. This year’s fundraiser will focus on supporting underserved patients and proceeds will go towards providing support, resources and education to patients in both the United States and around the world.

Donors to Lucy's Stocking will have their name written on a card and placed inside her stocking on Christmas Eve, so that it can be full this Christmas alongside her siblings' stockings. This special annual event provides a moment of comfort for families who have lost a child to HDFN, knowing that HDFN advocacy, prevention and treatment is continued in their child's name.

Several other families have decided to join the effort and run their own stocking fundraisers in honor of their HDFN babies. Help us fill these precious babies’ stockings and give hope to families around the world this Christmas.

Where does your hope go? Last year’s stocking funds were used to support the following initiatives and provide lifesaving resources to those who need it most:

1.Rhesus Solution Initiative (RSI): Supported awareness and administration of Rh Immunoglobulin for Rh-negative pregnant women to help prevent HDFN in Nigeria
2. ICT Testing: Funded accurate antibody screening for 19 women in Kenya, necessary for diagnosis
3. Rh Immunoglobulin Doses in Kenya: Provided 5 doses of Rh Immunoglobulin monthly to Rh-negative pregnant women, helping provide access to a medication that is otherwise often unattainable due to cost.
4. Saving Njeri: Assisted in relocating a mother to Ethiopia for life-saving treatment, resulting in the successful birth of her daughter, Njeri. Quote from Essie, Njeri’s Mother: “I want to take this chance to thank the Allo Hope Foundation for the way they walked with me throughout my pregnancy and even after delivery. If not for their support both financially and emotionally I don't think my baby would be alive. My baby girl is now one year old and very healthy, I will forever be grateful to God that I met this group after having 2 stillbirths my hope was restored. My heart is full of gratitude.”
5. Collaboration with the O Negative Foundation: Contributed to a network of O-Negative blood donors in Kenya, improving access to emergency blood donations for IUTs and post birth transfusions.

If you are donating in honor or memory of a baby, please include their name so we can notify their family of your generous gift. If you would like to include a special message for Lucy’s stocking card, please select “make a tribute gift” and “send an ecard” when you donate through Flipcause.

Thank you so much for your generous gift. We hope you have a beautiful and hopeful holiday season.





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