40 Acres For 40 Years-Land Acquisition Fundraiser
Take Action! - Preserve more land along the Dragon
2025 is Friends of Dragon Run’s 40th Anniversary and we are celebrating by raising funds to purchase at least 40 additional acres within the Dragon Run watershed. This is Friends of Dragon Run’s (FODR’s) most ambitious fund-raising goal in our 40-year history.
YOU can make a impact in protecting wildlife, increase the wetland buffer, and expand the preservation of key wildlife corridors.
Ways you can donate now to our 40 by 40 campaign.
1. Give a direct one-time donation
2. Sign up for automatic monthly or yearly donations
To avoid processing fees online, donations can be sent to us directly: Checks can be written payable to: Friends of Dragon Run (FODR), P.O. Box 882, Gloucester, VA 23061
Acquisition of more property along the Dragon will honor our 40 years of preserving, protecting, and encouraging wise use of the Dragon watershed. Please help treasure and save the Dragon now and for generations to come, by making a tax-deductible contribution today.
If you have questions or want further information on more ways to donate, contact Jeff Wright – President Friends of Dragon Run at [email protected] or call 703-801-0239.