This year for my birthday I am inviting my family and friends to consider contributing to a good cause that is near and dear to me, The Allo Hope Foundation (AHF). In support of their #GivingTuesday campaign, I am raising money for this organization that was instrumental in bringing Ty safely into this world and helped me feel less isolated by the rarity and complexities of my pregnancies. The founder helped answer questions that my OBGYN could not and helped me advocate for proper care when pediatric doctors tried to disregard my concerns related to his HDFN. Alloimmunized pregnancies can be complicated and HDFN can be life threatening so having a support group of mothers walking a similar path was invaluable. This foundation stood in the gap for me and continues to do so for countless women and babies, stateside and abroad.
Will you help me celebrate this milestone birthday by contributing to my Giving Tuesday campaign for The Allo Hope Foundation? We have a week until the official launch of Giving Tuesday but I wanted to kick-start my fundraising today as an alternative for any friends or family who might think of me today and be in a position to give. A contribution of any size helps. If you are able, please donate today. Thank you for your consideration. Love you all!
A message from the organization:
This Giving Tuesday and during the Christmas season we are raising money for The Allo Hope Foundation to honor Tyler’s journey with HDFN and to help protect other babies from this potentially deadly disease. Please join me in sharing HOPE with those who need it most by contributing to Tasha’s Fundraiser. Your donation will be used to provide access to prevention and care for alloimmunization and HDFN worldwide. This year’s fundraiser will focus on supporting underserved patients and proceeds will go towards providing support, resources and education to patients in both the United States and around the world.