


As the year comes to a close, we reflect on our journey at the Winters Center for Autism, marked by growth, resilience, and community support. We are proud to share more than 70 of our trainees are employed and receiving a paycheck each week and an additional 15 have volunteer positions.  Watch the transformative impact in this tribute video, highlighting the impact of your support. We dedicate this appeal to our founder, Joe Winters, whose legacy continues to markedly change the opportunities for Long Islanders living with autism every day.


In honor of Joe’s upcoming birthday on December 28, we ask for your support. You have fueled our mission to spread awareness, foster acceptance, and drive change for individuals with autism. Every success story highlights the collective strength and dedication we achieve together.


Thank you for being an essential part of Joe's vision.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Winters Center for Autism Team  

Thank you for your support!

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