

Nature Poetry Writing Workshop

with Irene Latham, poet

Event Name

Learn with Blount County poet Irene Latham how to mine your memories and nature experiences to craft a poem on the theme of “Water” for the 2025 FLFR Poetry Contest.

Irene will also have workshops at:

Oneonta Senior Center on Monday, March 10th at 10 am.

Oneonta Public Library on Thursday, April 17th at 10 am.

We look forward to your poems about:

  • Blount County bodies of water
  • water activities, like fishing, boating, etc.
  • water conservation
  • water wildlife, like ducks, turtles, etc.
  • the water cycle, including rain, ice, fog
  • any other thing that you find poem-worthy about water

The judges will be looking for powerful water language, especially verbs: flood, flow, gurgle, gush, seethe, shimmer. . .

A great starting place for poems might be a memory of time spent on or near water. What stays with you about the experience? What emotions surface?

Our human bodies are about 60% water, so when we write about water, we are also writing about ourselves!

Here's a short “water” poem from me:

When Papa Died

When Papa died
I was like the lake in winter
With only a single duck swimming
Just the duck and a brisk wind blowing away all my poems

- Irene Latham


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