

2025 aSTEAM Village KC NSBE Jr. Chapter Fundraiser

Your donation leads our journey to IMPACT!


aSTEAM Village Kansas City NSBE Jr. is our K-12 STEM Education and Competitive Brain Sports where we teach gracious professionalism, coopertition, problem solving, and the core values needed to lead a successful and impactful life.

Our program is broken into four unique segments all anchored in a foundation of STEM education and workforce development and the essential tools necessary to disrupt poverty and rebuild communities.

The four unique segments are, 1) Education, 2) Entrepreneurship, Entertainment, and 4) Enterprise. 

With year round and seasonal programming & services ranging from teaching Senior Citizens Digital Literacy to leading I.T. industry certification courses for high school students to leading a 3rd grade robotics team, aSTEAM Village has been providing community impact in the area of STEM since 2014 and it is the generosity of donors like you that makes our work possible.

Thank you!


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Recent Activity

Name Anonymous
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount $13.00
Date 01/31/25
for "Isaiah Johnson"
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $100.00
Date 01/30/25
for "Marzell Bell"
Name Jeffrey Primos
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $500.00
Date 01/30/25
for "Johari Primos"
Name Bertha Johnson
Activity Type Item, Mailing list
Amount $13.00
Date 01/27/25
for "Isaiah Johnson"
Name Annette Wilson
Activity Type Donation
Amount $25.00
Date 01/18/25
for "Isaiah Johnson"

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