

Sundance 2025 - Lifting Up Disability Storytelling

Building Community with Filmmakers, Allies, and People Who Stutter

Presented by Proud Stutter and Salt Lake City NSA Chapter

Join us at Sundance 2025 for a panel discussion with filmmakers with disabilities, featuring award-winning filmmaker Reid Davenport (I Didn't See You There and Life After) and award-winning podcaster Maya Chupkov.

Hosted at and by the National Ability Center, the event will be moderated by National Stuttering Association Salt Lake City Chapter Leader Matt Didisheim. It will be an exciting opportunity for you to meet filmmakers who are passionate about telling stories of people from marginalized communities, including the disability community, and to learn more about stuttering and speech diversity.

Do you know someone who stutters? Fill out this quick survey. Attendees who fill out the form will get a free comic book!

This Sundance event has limited capacity, so secure your spot today!

When: Saturday, January 25 at 5pm-6:30pm

Where: National Ability Center, 1000 Ability Way, Park City, UT


* PROMO CODE for free registration is SPEECHDIVERSITY

**Accommodations Update: The venue is on the first floor and has ADA accessible bathrooms. The entrance has double doors for accessible entrance.

***We are working with a disability consultant to make this event as accessible as possible. Please let us know by Wednesday, January 15 if you have any accommodation requests. Please monitor this space for more updates on accommodations to expect at this event.

More Details

  • Hear about Reid's upcoming film LIFE AFTER, which is premiering on 1/27
  • A preview of Maya's upcoming documentary
  • Pizza & Refreshments will be provided
  • Kid-Friendly

What is Proud Stutter?

Proud Stutter is a nonprofit that celebrates and advocates for speech diversity. Founder Maya Chupkov has stuttered all her life, and it has inspired her to become a stuttering advocate and community organizer. She is working to shift societal norms around stuttering and the disability community overall.

Listen to the Proud Stutter podcast where you can meet people who stutter and learn why advocating for speech diversity matters.

“…informative, honest and insightful interviews

with people who stammer."

- The Guardian

Learn more about Proud Stutter

Directions to find the event space

  • Upon arriving at the National Ability Center, please make your way to the conference space in the Pat Moran Family Foundation Equestrian Center.

Want to sponsor this event?

Do you know someone who stutters?

Learn more about stuttering

  • Roughly 1% of the population has been diagnosed with some form of stuttering, but the actual number is thought to be much higher.
  • Many famous people stutter, including Emily Blunt, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Ed Sheeran, and even Joe Biden.
  • Stuttering tends to run in families and may have a genetic component
  • People who stutter don’t do so when they sing because this uses a different part of the brain.
  • Stuttering is more prevalent in men than women, with roughly four times as many men stuttering.
  • Stuttering is highly situational. A person may not stutter one day and struggle with a lot the next.

We look forward to seeing you!

A huge thank you to the National Stuttering Association and National Ability Center for sponsoring this event!


And a huge thank you to our early film partners/backers!

Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative (BARHII)

California Humanities 

Center for Story-based Strategy 

Friends of San Quentin News/Pollen Initiative

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