

Arie's Future Service Stars

Help Us Welcome Canine Partners' Newest Pups!

Let's celebrate Arie, our service dog mama-to-be, as she gives birth to her final litter of future service dog stars! Arie is due at the end of January, and we're busy preparing for the pups' arrival.

Our biggest need? Puppy Raisers and Sitters! We provide the vet care, food, basic supplies, training guidance and classes - you provide the love, socialization and consistent training for one of our future service stars in your home - helping them grow into life-changing service dogs. Learn more or apply to volunteer at

You're Invited! We're hosting a Virtual Puppy Shower and bringing you along on a social media journey as Arie approaches her big day. This is your chance to shower Arie with love and Canine Partners of the Rockies with support as we prepare to raise and train the next generation of life-changing mobility service and facility dogs

Did you know it costs about $10,000 to cover our costs for veterinary care and supplies for Arie and her pups? And that we place our mobility service dogs with no placement fee after 2 years of training? That means we need your help to make this happen! Purchase from Arie's Puppy Registry here or help fund these babies' higher education by contributing monetarily on this page.

Keep an eye on our social media pages for the puppy countdown, puppy shower games & giveaways, service dog trivia and more as we await the arrival of these special pups.

Check back after the pups are born for a link to our live puppy cam! 

Special thanks to Sabina at Bina Photography for Arie's maternity photoshoot


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