Mid-School Pilgrimage to University of Notre Dame
St. Joseph Mission School
Notre Dame Pilgrimage
Raffle! Raffle! Raffle!
Every year St. Joseph Middle School plans a trip to visit the University of Notre Dame to experience the possibilities of one day having our students attend. As many of you know we are affiliated with the University through our membership in the American Indian Catholic School Network. Last year’s students were able to purchase a Notre Dame football jersey. The jersey was left in the care of Fr. Nate Wills, CSC, chaplain for the team. Fr. Nate had all the players along with their coach Marcus Freeman sign the jersey. The Notre Dame Football team against all odds won both the Sugar and Citrus Bowls and will next contend for the National Championship on January 20, 2025. It is this same spirit that we ask of our own students. They are now raffling this championship jersey to raise funds for their upcoming pilgrimage/trip.
Here is your chance to have a piece of Collegiate Football history and to support our students to visit the University of Notre Dame in April.
Raffle will be held on the final day of Catholic Schools Week, on January 31, 2025. We will go LIVE on our Facebook page for the drawing.
Our raffle tickets are $10.00 per chance.