Ranger Patrol with Kim Feb 09, 16
Sipsey Wilderness
Ranger Patrols with Kim
Sunday, February 09
Sunday, February 16
Meeting spot and hike location details will be sent once you register
If you are not a current ranger, you will shadow Kim and potentially other rangers to gain hands-on experience and learn about wilderness stewardship.
The exact location will be provided upon registration and will be within the Sipsey Wilderness. Tools and safety equipment will be supplied by the trail leader, but you are welcome to bring your own safety glasses and work gloves. Volunteers must wear long pants and closed-toed shoes. Shirts may be short- or long-sleeved, depending on your preference. Bring your hiking gear, along with water, snacks, and lunch. Be prepared for potential creek crossings by packing water shoes or extra socks.
Current rangers should arrive in proper uniform. Volunteers will meet at 10:00 AM at the office or designated trailhead. The patrol will involve a 2-4 mile hike.. Your efforts will play a crucial role in maintaining the beauty and health of the Sipsey Wilderness.
Our programs and outreach hikes are (mostly) free of charge yet we gladly accept donations to help support the consistent and continued education programs year after year. You can use the express donation feature at the bottom of this page.