Feb 16 Adam's Gap Traditional Tools Workday
Cheaha Wilderness
Adams Gap Traditional Tools Workday
Cheaha Wilderness
Sunday, February 16
Meet-Up Details: Sent with the registration confirmation
Trail Leader: Jonathan Kelly [email protected]
The Pinhoti Trail is one of the shining gems of the Cheaha Wilderness and it’s the most popular trail as well. As we approach the end of the growing season, the trail is a bit overgrown north of Adam’s Gap. This workday will be using loppers and shears to cut back the overgrowth along this beautiful stretch of trail. Total mileage will be around 6 miles.
Wild Alabama will provide the following:
-Necessary hand tools for brushing.
-Hard hats (must be worn under canopy)
-Work gloves
You will need to:
-Wear long pants, closed-toe shoes. If you have rough work pants like Carharts or Dickies, you will be glad you wore them. Jeans can work as well.
-Bring plenty of water, at least two liters. There are no water sources along the ridge.
-Bring lunch and snacks.
-Wear sunscreen and bring extra. Some sections have more exposure than others.
-Wear warm clothing
Our programs and outreach hikes are (mostly) free of charge yet we gladly accept donations to help support the consistent and continued education programs year after year. You can use the express donation feature at the bottom of this page.