$10 Cat Spay Neuter FEB 4 Transport Sign Up

Cat(s) must be dropped off at 730AM at Hendricks Humane

Hendricks Humane facilitates Cat Spay/Neuter Transport days so Hendricks County cat owners or community cat caretakes can have access to reduced-cost spay/neuter surgeries performed by a qualified veterinarian.   

Thanks to donations from the public and grants, Hendricks Humane is making available to Hendricks County cat owners $10 surgery packagesHendricks Humane will pay the balance of the cost of the surgery charged by the clinic.

Cat(s) must be dropped off, in hard-sided carriers, at our building located at 3033 E. Main Street, Danville on the day you chose at 7:30 AM. The cats will be loaded at 8AM for transport to the Vet.  Contact us if you need to borrow a carrier.

Limited to 3 cats per registrant.  If you have more than 3 cats, call the office.

If you have a cat that you cannot put into a carrier, or you only see intermittently, call the office.

Any required or requested services above the surgery packages are also the responsibility of the pet owner or community cat caretaker to be paid at time of drop-off.                

Kittens must be at least 12 weeks old by the date of their surgery.

IMPORTANT:  Be sure of the date you select.  Your registration cost will not be refunded for no-shows.  If you contact us prior to the transport date, we will try to move your appointment to the next available transport.   There are many cat owners needing to sign-up and no-shows mean we do not have a full transport for our veterinarian.

Cat Spay Neuter Transport FEB 4

Please check back soon!


This campaign has ended or is not currently active.
Contact us if you would like more information on how to support!

Cat S/N Transports are unavailable at this time. Please visit again!