Tournament is April 5, 2025
- Anglers can have lines IN starting at 6:40 am. Anglers have the opportunity to fish for 2 1/2 hours. All anglers must have lines out by 9:30 am. Anglers must be in line in front of the pink tent at the community center no later than 10:00 am to draw their cards.
- There will be multiple decks during the tournament. The angler will select the number of cards from the dealer or ask the dealer to choose their card based on the number of fish caught during the timeframe.
- A maximum of 7 trout are allowed.
- The dealers will track the poker cards that are pulled for each team.
- The winning hand is determined by standard poker hand rankings. We will allow an angler to replace one card in their hand by "buying" a $5.00 mulligan during the registration process.
- Everyone will fish from hatchery supported waters in Madison County and follow NCWRC Regulations.
- Fish will be brought in bags or on string.
- Only fish caught between 6:40 am and 9:30 am on the day of the tournament may be turned in for poker cards. This is based on the angler honor system.
- If there is a tie, we will determine the winner by the first angler to draw the cards.
Other Information:
- Breakfast will be provided beginning at 9:30am.
- Awards ceremony 11:00 am.
- Door prizes available.