

My name is Chloe, and I am a tenth grader taking the personal project course at Notre Dame Prep. In this course I was asked to select a skill, and a project relating to that skill. Using the skills project planning and communication, I am fundraising $3500 to purchase 10,000 meals for families in Guatemala, and am hosting a food packing event through SewHope and Kids Coalition Against Hunger on Saturday, January 25!

SewHope is an Ohio-based organization that partners with the poor, marginalized and exploited in Guatemala to help end the injustices of poverty and bring about sustainable communities. Every year my grandma travels to SewHope’s clinic and school in Guatemala to volunteer. Someday I hope to do the same!

I chose this project when I learned that 14,500 children under the age of 12 die from hunger related diseases everyday. In Guatemala alone, nearly 50% of children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition and suffer its long-lasting effects. I knew I needed to help. We are all so lucky to have nutritious meals on our tables every day. We never have to worry about how we will get our next meal or if we will go to bed hungry.
Let’s work together to share the gift of food with everyone - for only $.35 per meal!.

1/3 of the food will be distributed to the SewHope clinic, local families, and students in Guatemala, 1/3 will be sent to Kids Coalition Against Hunger locations around the world, and 1/3 will be distributed locally. The event will be held in January, 2025.

SewHope is making an impact on the lives of hungry families throughout northern Guatemala. 

Thank you for supporting me in my efforts to help those who face dire hunger!



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Recent Activity

Name Linda James
Message Chloe, we are so proud of you to be involved with SewHope ! Your support and dedication is inspiring and a blessing!
Name Jacqueline Evola
Name Jaclyn Brooks
Name Caitlin Dodge Dodge
Message This is so awesome! Way to go Chloe!
Name Roxanne Ward
Message So very cool Chloe! I love traveling to Guatemala with your Grammie!

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