Stepping Into 2025 Banquet
Your Support Builds Leaders, One Mentor at a Time
We're only away from our goal. Every dollar counts!
Key Accomplishments of 2024:
Paid Mentorship: This year, we took a significant step forward by introducing stipends for our Pioneers, improving recruitment and service for the youth in our programs.
NeighborShare Partnership: Through our partnership with NeighborShare, we raised $9,200 ($5000 up from 2023) in donations, helping to support underserved communities in Western Massachusetts.
Youth Impact: With the help of our Pioneers, Explorers, and partners, our programs positively impacted nearly 600 young individuals.
Mentorship Growth: We established ten new one-to-one mentorship relationships, and the demand for these impactful relationships continues to grow, with a waiting list showing the increasing interest.
Internship Collaborations: We successfully created five credited internships in collaboration with prestigious institutions like UMass Amherst, UMass Boston, Columbia University, Bowie State, and Holyoke Community College, offering students invaluable learning opportunities.
Milestones & Enhancements for 2024:
Cumulative Mentorship Hours: Our collective mentorship hours have surpassed 2,500, a milestone that demonstrates the sustained impact and commitment of our Pioneers.
Increased Volunteer Engagement: We’ve expanded community volunteer and mentorship hours, reinforcing the deep connections between our mentors and their communities.
Professional Development & Financial Literacy: Regular sessions on professional growth and financial literacy continue to empower our participants, equipping them with essential life skills.
YouthLed Initiatives: Empowering youth is at the heart of our mission. This year, we’ve increased opportunities for young leaders to participate in event planning and fundraising, nurturing their leadership skills.
Upcoming Programs in 2025:
We’re excited to announce a variety of initiatives planned for 2025, including:
Join us in celebrating these accomplishments and supporting our future efforts to continue empowering youth, fostering leadership, and building stronger communities in 2025 and beyond.