

An Evening of Gratitude with Hal Fales - 11-27-24

An Evening of Gratitude

Open Community Practice session facilitated by Hal Fales (Community Dharma Steward)

Wednesday November 27, 7:00 - 8:30pm ET

In-person/hybrid at IWM

When Community Dharma Stewards (CDS) lead a practice and discussion, any dana given goes to IWM's general fund.*

Hal Fales was first introduced to meditation by a Zen teacher in graduate school in 1975. He began a committed practice in the Vipassana tradition in 2008 and has attended numerous retreats at IMS including a six-week retreat in 2018. He recently (July 2023) completed a 16-month program jointly offered by IMS and BCBS on the foundational teachings in the Pali canon. He enjoys trying to create a wholesome space for meditation and learning from the experience of other sangha members. Hal is a Community Dharma Steward and Kalyana Mitta Facilitator and has been a member of the Board since 2013.

*Dana, which is the ancient Pali word for “generosity”, is a fundamental aspect of the Buddha’s teachings. If you have the means, please consider a donation tonight. We operate entirely on the sangha's acts of generosity. Your donation will provide support to the ongoing operations of the sangha. Everyone is welcome at all of our offerings, regardless of ability to donate. Therefore, those who donate more are helping to make the center accessible to all.

You can give online or send checks to Insight Western Mass, 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA 01027. FYI: we check for mail once per week.

IN-PERSON LOCATION: IWM at Eastworks; 116 Pleasant St, Suite 242, Easthampton, MA

Chairs and cushions available.

Please bring your own covered water bottle.

Covid Protocols

• Masks optional.

• If you have COVID concerns (new symptoms or think you've been exposed), please stay home and join us via Zoom.

• Field Control Trio Plus portable air purifier will be running (H13 HEPA with an ultraviolet light component).

Zoom Link
Password: 242. 

Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242

Or cut and paste this URL into your browser: