
We're only away from our goal.

PCLA has ONE THING on our wishlist this year: To help people impacted by Parkinson’s live their absolute best lives.

That’s why we’re raising $100K for PCLA!

Funds from our Holiday Hope for Parkinson’s campaign will go directly towards PCLA’s support groups, educational resources, and speaker series with the medical community.

Each donation contributes critical support necessary to live a hopeful and fulfilling life with PD. For many, this is the greatest gift of all!

Join us today in sparking holiday hope for the Parkinson’s community.

If you’ve found community and support through our programs, please contribute

If you’ve been enlightened by our education events, please contribute
If we've helped you with resources, please contribute

Please donate today

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Recent Activity

Name Gregory Aarons
Activity Type Donation
Date 12/31/24
Name Chuck Cohen
Activity Type Donation
Date 12/31/24
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation
Date 12/31/24
Name Judy Yaras
Activity Type Donation
Date 12/31/24
Name Sharon KRISCHER
Activity Type Donation
Date 12/30/24