Eliana Glusman Mitzvah Project
My family has
always talked about the Israel Sport Center for the Disabled.
Ever since I was little I had a chance to hang out with the Israeli athletes when they came to Atlanta. I have had the chance to spend time with some great people from the ISCD. Moshe Rashkes, the founding director, who introduced the ISCD to my family and opened up his heart and home to my mom when she worked at the ISCD. Boaz, the current director, who my mom knew when they were teenagers and is really nice. Kobi, the Chairman, who is always so kind to me. Reuven, their coach, who is always giving us kisses on the forehead. Most importantly, I have had the chance to spend time with some of the amazing athletes from the center such as Caroline, Asael, Max, Amit and many more. I love hearing their stories and how they have succeeded in their lives so far. They are all great athletes and have inspired me.
Last year the
Israel Sports Center for the Disabled had an event in Atlanta. My family
co-chaired this event and I was able to attend. They did a wheelchair
basketball event. The athletes did an exhibition and showed us some of
their amazing tricks including a half-court shot. They made it look easy!
After the exhibition, they had wheelchair basketball stations where we
could physically try to play wheelchair basketball. It was a lot harder
than they made it look!
At the beginning
of the event, I saw three kids who had chosen to donate to the Israel Sport
Center for the Disabled as their B’nai Mitzvah Projects. This sparked my
interest. After the event, I immediately asked my parents if I can also help in
some way. This is how I chose the ISCD as my Bat Mitzvah Project.
My great
grandparents, Rose and Abe Luski, (Z”L), were very involved with the Sport
Center. It was an important place to them. Since their passing last year,
I want to continue this tradition of support and friendship, along with my
entire extended family. By helping to bring happiness to the lives of
children with disabilities and their families, it is a way that our hearts will
always remain tied to those we love by carrying on our Bobe Rosa and Zeide’s
legacy! Even though I personally do not have a
big interest in sports, I still want to help in some way. The Center is
not just about sports, it is about helping people with special needs rebuild
their lives. It gives them something to be excited about and helps with
their rehabilitation. I am proud to be able to participate in my own way.
For my Bat
Mitzvah project I would be happy to have you join me in whatever way you wish
in supporting The Israel Sport Center for the Disabled.