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Your donation can save a family. You can save a life.
Eagle Rock Camp is a family saving, suicide prevention organization that serves
our veteran and military families.
We teach our veteran and military families a new way to heal from the
"moral and spiritual wounds" of war (PTS) and
emerge as a strong, purpose driven Family Team with HOPE restored.
Our Team witnesses miracles happen on a daily basis:
Family members reconnect - moms and dads remember why they fell in love in the first place!
Kids meet other kids "who get me". Who understand the life of a military kid.
Families develop a new sense of community and a support system.
Two Year Continuum of Care Program supports their success well into their futures.
Frowns turn upside down - everyone is smiling!
And we really do make s'mores - sometimes that's a miracle too.
Our progress toward saving families and saving lives of our veteran and military families would be impossible without the consistent and generous support of our donors.
Eagle Rock Camp is a 501(c)3 organization.
All donations are tax deductible.