Take Back the Night Phoenix
Help us help survivors of sexual & domestic violence reclaim their voices
How would you like to support?
This page is hosted by Kick at Darkness, Inc who is a community partner with La Frontera and Trauma Healing Services.
- Annual community event in April
- Hosted by Trauma Healing Services and supported by organizations in the valley (like Kick at Darkness!)
- Educating, empowering, and honoring survivors and allies in Arizona
- Speaking out against and bringing awareness to all forms of Sexual and Domestic violence
Tabling of services available for survivors & allies
- Like BACA, ACESDV, or Kick at Darkness
Survivor speakers sharing their stories and regaining their voices
- In speech, poetry, prose, or rhyme
Creative Expressions
- Survivors have submitted artwork, paintings, crafts, and sculptures to represent their voices
Mindfulness station — with arts, crafts, and sensory items
- Create your own artwork
- Pause to get grounded in the crafts/sensory station
Clothesline project (survivors voices in art)
- Survivors create T-shirts with messages of hope, healing, or pain — taking back their voices
Memorial of Lost DV Victims
- Red statue silhouettes with stories of those we lost in the last year to domestic violence
Survivor clothing exhibit
- Written stories from survivors
- Clothing representing what they were wearing when they were attacked
- Break the myth that clothes have anything to do with the problem
- Take pictures with fellow warriors and friends
March for taking back the night
- Gather signs, posters, and friends
- March together in a downtown to raise awareness to #TakeBackTheNightPhx
Live music & dance
- Live band
- Creative art in motion (dance team)
- Time at end for dance party
Food trucks & much more!
Find more info here: TakeBackTheNightPhx.com
- Join the cause to fund this amazing event
- Share with your friends!
- Become a fundraiser and tell your story of how much TBTNphx has meant to you and your community!