Luli's Investors
Thank you for considering investing in Luli!
Luli has been a real blessing as he has volunteered with Planters! He connects with the young men in the villages through sports, work projects and discipleship. He walks several times a week to a nearby village to bring some of the boys to church.
As a one-year trial and through generous gifts, PSF has been able to give $200 a month as a thank you to Luli for his volunteering. In addition to his tithes and offerings, Luli has saved a portion of this money to cover ministry expenses like taking the kids out for ice-cream. The remainder each month has gone to help his family. These gifts have helped them add doors and windows to their house. Their next project - an indoor bathroom!
The funds raised for the one-year trial will be exhausted in August, but Luli has shown himself faithful, so we would love to extend this help to Luli and his family!