David Vendredi
Age: 8 years
David is a very curios and quiet boy. He loves to go to school and is very excited to learn. He is a leader with his classmates. He has a very peaceful nature and just wants to please those around him. He loves to lead prayer at meal times and is a hard worker.
Birthday: June 28, 2013
Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring monthly at one of the levels listed below?
The levels highlighted in Green have already been met. He is still in need or $50 of monthly support to cover living and education expenses.
- $12.50 per month - Partial School Sponsorship
- $25.0 per month - Full School Sponsorship
- 25.00 per Month - Partial Sponsorship to cover his needs living at our OFHM Children's Home.
- $50.00 per month - Full Sponsorship to cover his needs living at our OFHM Children's Home.
- $75.00 per month - Full Sponsorship to cover his living needs and Full School Sponsorship.
or you can make any one time or recurring donation of any amount you are led to contribute.
Thank you for considering sponsoring David!